Sunday, May 22, 2011


This season of Glee has been really erratic with way too many scattered plotlines.  Santana’s a lesbian?  Puck’s dating Lauren?  Gwyneth Paltrow ruins a Prince song?  Rachel wants a nosejob?  Kurt returns to McKinley?  Sam is poor?  Gwyneth is back again?   Boo-urns.  And let’s not forget that they covered Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours and did not sing ‘Second Hand News’ or ‘Gold Dust Woman’.  Double Boo-urns.  However, with the latest episodes ‘Prom Queen’ and ‘Funeral’, the show is good again just in time for Nationals.  Plus, and I am not really embarrassed to say, I love Jesse St. James.  I can’t explain it, but I totally heart him.  I know Jonathan Groff was mentioned in that Newsweek article about gay actors not being able to play straight.  I can get beyond the fact that he’s gay but I don’t think that Glee’s costume department is helping.  That skinny scarf he wore in his first scene back did not exactly scream straight man.  I know he’s into show choir and theatricality but even Kurt would have been like “Really, Jesse, really?!?”  So Jesse’s back (YAY), but now he’s super dumb.  “I was majoring in show choir.  I assumed they would have as Asian guy take math and English and scientific for me.”  We already have a Brittany (“How many M’s are there in the letter R?”), Jesse just needs to be judgmental and snarky.  Bring on Nationals!  

Killer scarflet, dude!